Sunday, 22 September 2019


During the month of September, all world heritage cities are invited to celebrate the "Solidarity Day of world heritage cities" and one of the cities that celebrates this day is Vigan City.

Vigan City celebrate this occasion yearly during the month of September wherein different activities or contests are held for everyone. This is celebrated because it is a way for us to showcase our diverse culture and history. This is not only about focusing on our own but Also to develop unity with other town or  places that visits our city. 

And on this day, one of the activities that Bigenos do is to gather at the cathedral for the solidarity mass to renew their pledge to heritage conservation. Also, other events are prepared like solidarity food and trade fair. 

So we must all be a part of this very important occasion in our cities so that our love and care for our own heritage will be shown and we must be proud of it.


Happy learning

School is the second home of students, this is where they learn new things and  improve their skills, knowledge and talents with the help of teachers or by the others.

Happy school foster a child friendly atmosphere among all learners.
A happy school has a happy teachers that build in a happy environment and mold happy learners

Happy School Movement or the HSM is just one movement which advocates to promote that every school should be a better and enjoyable place to learn.
It aims to create an environment where students can freely express themselves and promote learning in an easy yet effective way of learning. Also, a happy school is composed of happy teachers build in a happy environment and form happy students. Happiness and positive emotion has a big contribution to learning because it is a way for us to continue the things we want to do without feeling lazy or tired.

According to DepEd Region 1 Regional Director Malcolm Garma, "learners being the center of our educational system should be treated with tender love and care regardless of their status in life, gender, ethnicity, cultural backgrounds and mental and physical capabilities", it means that all students should be treated equally because in learning, there's no exemption as long as you're doing anything that you can to achieve your dreams.
